di farbloyte feder | berliner zeydes

To accompany our exhibition Di farbloyte feder | berliner zeydes, we organized a rich program of events celebrating Yiddish culture and literature.

22 August – 3 September 2019

Galerie ZeitZone
Adalbertstr. 79
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

21 August: EXHIBITION OPENING with Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson | Arndt Beck

22 August: SLOW READING with Ekaterina Kuznetsova EN | YI

23 August: Staged reading: Dovid Bergelson’s Berlin short storTsvey rotskhim with Arndt Beck | Horst Bernhard | Jordan Lee Schnee

25 August: Lecture: Anshel, undzer zeyde: Bashevis Singer’s Yentl from a Trans Perspective with Jonathan-Rafael Balling

27 August: SLOW READING with Irad Ben Isaak EN | YI

28 August: CONCERT with Anna Margolina & Alexey Wagner

31 August: Lecture and Screening: “Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: The Artist and her Legacy” with Janina Wurbs

1 September: CONCERT Sveta Kundish & Patrick Farrell

2 September – “Der alef-beys fun der libe. An evening of Celia Dropkin’s poetry” – Poetry lecture with Anna Rozenfeld | Lothar Quinkenstein | Jordan Lee Schnee


Berlin’s Most Yiddish August Ever

August 2020 was probably the most Yiddish month that Berlin had ever seen. It began on Monday the 5th with a screening of the film Black Honey about the poet Avrom Sutzkever. The program included Daniel Kahn playing several songs and an introduction to the poet’s life and work by Arndt Beck.

The marathon continued on 12 August. Not only did Paris’s Medem Library launch its annual Yiddish summer program, this year on the campus of the Freie Universität, but that same evening was also an event commemorating the darkest postwar chapter of Yiddish literature and history: the liquidation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee – including the writers Dovid Bergelson, Perets Markish, Leyb Kvitko, Dovid Hofshteyn, and Izik Fefer.

If you have any time to spare with all the events going on, you should read Jordan Lee Schnee’s English translations of poems by Dvoyre Fogel in Asymptote or listen to Anna Rozenfeld’s recitation of them in the original.

di farbloyte feder
Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson | Arndt Beck: Di farbloyte feder

Then, on 21 August, the exhibition Di farboyte feder with Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson und Arndt Beck opened in Kreuzberg, followed by a rich two-week program of concerts, readings, and talks.